Project ZipZap | 03/10/2023 - 01/05/2024

Project ZipZap was created with an 11 person team in my final year of university. It is a fast paced, speedrunner friendly, hack n' dash, isometric game where the player must complete 5 levels including an explosive boss battle. I took a leading role in the project, applying what I had learned from my placement year to help ensure everything ran smoothly. After I finished university, I continued my leading role and worked with a subset of the original team to add extra features and publish the game on Steam. Project ZipZap was nominated for the "Creative Assembly: Best Game" award.

Project ZipZap's gameplay trailer. You can check out some uncut gameplay footage here.

Code wise, in Project ZipZap I created many of the key underlying systems - for example audio, save/loading, leaderboards and stats/achievements. I also wrote player code, for example the explosive dash, and generally worked to fix bugs / polish gameplay elements all across the codebase.

The game was developed using an agile strategy with weekly playtests (both internal and external) conducted throughout. Project ZipZap runs on PC, PS5 and Steam Deck.

Click to download and play the game! If you'd like to download the game on Itch instead, you can do so here.

Unfortunately the source code of Project ZipZap cannot be made public as it includes packages required for PS5 development. Project ZipZap was created in Unity.